Romance scams: helpful tips on how to use dating apps

Romance scams: helpful tips on how to use dating apps

Brad Pitt for Valentine’s Day? Beware of the heart and especially romantic scams! Valentine’s Day, for many the feast of love, for many others a time of great vulnerability, and for unscrupulous cybercriminals a golden opportunity to exploit the frailties...
Cyber Card #30 – Vishing: if you recognize it, you avoid it

Cyber Card #30 – Vishing: if you recognize it, you avoid it

Knowing the methods of cyber criminals to steal sensitive information is the first step in preventing an attack! Vishing is a type of social engineering attack similar to smishing. The difference with other types of phishing is that instead of e-mail or text messages,...
I’ve been swindled, now what do I do?

I’ve been swindled, now what do I do?

Steps to take in case you fall victim to online scams. “I’ve been swindled,” is the phrase none of us would ever want to think of uttering. Yet we know that the risk of falling victim to online scams is becoming higher and higher, and that this is...
Giorgia Meloni’s account has been hacked

Giorgia Meloni’s account has been hacked

No one is safe: even Giorgia Meloni is in the crosshairs of cybercriminals. Nobody’s safe. The most effective protection is an adequate training. Parola del Sole24ore e di un ex generale della Guardia di Finanza No one’s safe from hackers, not even big-name...