by simona derubis | Jul 31, 2023
Interview with Maurizio Zacchi, Director of Cyber Guru’s Cyber Academy Maurizio Zacchi holds the position of Director of the Cyber Academy at Cyber Guru, the department that deals with the development of the training content of Cyber Security Awareness...
by simona derubis | Jun 13, 2023
We all know the annoying feeling of having our phone out of charge and, therefore, unusable and not having our power supply with us. So what could be more natural than to recharge it wherever possible, perhaps using one of the convenient charging stations installed in...
by simona derubis | Apr 5, 2023
Nothing is as it seems. We have to get used to it: the reality we live in is increasingly fake, synthetic, and altered. The main points of reference and authority melt like snow in the sun, and we all struggle to distinguish the true from the false. Some even begin to...
by simona derubis | Feb 28, 2023
For a safer internet, education starts at school Internet safety is an issue of such importance that it deserves a global day of celebration that falls every year on 7 February. Established in 2004 by the European Commission, Safer internet day is accompanied by a...
by simona derubis | Feb 28, 2023
Everyone, at least once, will have left a door open to a deliveryman or a stranger who politely provides us with a valid reason for entering a protected space.Thankfully, most of humanity is still prone to kind gestures. Unfortunately, however, sometimes even kind...