by simona derubis | Nov 13, 2023
How many of you remember the myth of King Midas? More importantly, how many of you can see the correlation between this myth and cybersecurity? King Midas is a character from Greek mythology, known for his uncontrollable “desire” for wealth. In fact, the...
by simona derubis | Oct 16, 2023
Virtual kidnapping, how new cyber-scams work through the use of artificial intelligence There was a period in Italy, between the mid-1970s and the mid-1980s, when there were many kidnappings, all for the purpose of extortion. It is an era that, especially those who...
by simona derubis | Aug 2, 2023
Driving the economy but also crime “I’m at home sitting in front of the TV when the phone rings and a voice on the other end says, “How would you like to be this year’s vodka man?” I reply: “No, I’m an artist, and I...
by simona derubis | Jul 31, 2023
The third and final (for now…) appointment with Maurizio Zacchi (here are the first and second interviews), Director of the Cyber Guru Cyber Academy. Everyone has experienced firsthand the difference between theory and practise in a learning path. Learning the...
by simona derubis | Jul 31, 2023
Second appointment with Maurizio Zacchi (here is the first interview), director of the Cyber Guru Cyber Academy. “The strength of effective corporate training on cybersecurity” – explains Maurizio Zacchi, Academy Director of Cyber Guru – “is to...