by Cyber Guru | Apr 22, 2022
The subject of controlled supply chains is very current. It is frequently discussed in the agricultural sector where a human error can pollute the entire chain and compromise the final product that arrives on the shelves, causing damage both to the consumer and to all...
by Cyber Guru | Apr 21, 2022
Raise your hand if you never had a close encounter with a suspicious e-mail. Or if you never met someone who has fallen into the trap of phishing. And yet, in spite of widespread knowledge, the theft of sensitive information continues to grow exponentially. Ransomware...
by m.baciucco | Jan 9, 2020
Can you shop online in total safety? How do you recognize a “dodgy” online store? The first pill concerns the concept of SAFE CONNECTION, which is the need for a connection between you and an online store that protects confidential information such as...