MAIRE, engineering at the service of the energy transition



MAIRE S.p.A. leads an engineering group that develops and implements innovative technologies to support the energy transition, with sustainable technology solutions and integrated E&C solutions in various sectors. It is characterized by significant numbers: a presence in 50 countries, over 9,000 employees, supported by more than 20,000 people involved in projects spanning the globe.


The challenge

For a company like MAIRE, security is one of its central focuses. The company has for years paid special attention both to technological measures and to training employees and contractors to curb cyber risk and avoid attacks and data breaches. Increasing resilience and defensive strength has a major impact on the trust of customers, suppliers, and stakeholders.


The solution

To face the new cyber challenges, which are increasingly intelligent and refined, it was necessary to find a suitable training proposal to develop the right resilience of employees or contractors. The new training needs, far removed from the classical conception of security training, dovetailed perfectly with Cyber Guru’s proposal, thanks to its innovative and engaging approach.

With Cyber Guru, every employee has become a cyber defender

In recent years, MAIRE has embarked on a major transformation that sees it increasingly engaged on the fronts of innovation and sustainability with the intention of meeting global challenges in the service of the energy transition, thanks in part to a strong investment in technology. In the wake of these changes, the approach to security has also undergone a radical overhaul.

“The classic training concept made of long one-shot modules was no longer satisfactory, did not yield the expected results and, above all, no longer resembled the new face of MAIRE, inspired by a vision of the world and business much more in line with the new times.” Speaking is Andrea Licciardi Senior Cybersecurity Manager of the group with 20 years of experience in cyber security, who tells us about meeting Cyber Guru and how decisive this was in the company’s journey.

“While we had strong technological protection that largely kept us safe from attack,” Licciardi says, “we knew that without proper training, even the best technologies can fail. So we began to look for a more compelling alternative and came across Cyber Guru, a training approach that met the goal we had long had: to be able to turn every employee into an active first line of defense for the company, with the understanding that no matter how technologically structured you may be, the human factor is still the most vulnerable element.”


New training requirements to make a tough subject simple

“We have been working with Cyber Guru for about a year and a half now, and we can say that to date our perspective on security has undergone a 360-degree metamorphosis and the way we experience cyber risk has radically changed,” Licciardi says. “The approach is no longer reactive but proactive, with the intention of creating synergy among all employees and all teams and feeling like a team: everyone, regardless of their position, feels invested with a central role in defending the company. This constitutes a high added value because it fortifies team membership and makes us all look in the same direction.” Another distinctive element in the training proposed by Cyber Guru is the simplification of a subject that has always been considered hostile and complex.

“What really struck us about Cyber Guru,” Licciardi explains, “was the innovative and engaging approach that makes certain issues, which have always been considered only the preserve of experts and insiders, understandable to everyone, through engaging training pills lasting only a few minutes and through the tool of the web series, episodes made with professional actors in which they recount the most frequent daily experiences that conceal the attempt of an attack and that any of us can run into. An intriguing appointment, in the manner of a real TV series, to learn the culture of security and to spread it among friends and family as well.

Of great importance is the ability to do constant training, without which, any theoretical notion, after a short time, is forgotten.” To read the entire interview and learn more click here


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The luxury giant has chosen Cyber Guru solutions to make cyber security a strategic pillar, capable of supporting the business and protecting the value of its brands globally.

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Learning by doing, by making mistakes you learn! Salov has chosen the Cyber Guru platform to improve its employees’ cyber awareness and behavior.

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From physical theft to digital attack, Raiffeisen Banking Association invests in cybersecurity awareness through the use of services offered by Cyber Guru

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Viale Della Grande Muraglia 284
00144 Rome

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Via Libero Temolo 4
20126 Milano

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