Solution Bank

Solution Bank

Dumarey, the automotive excellence group After just one year with Cyber Guru, cyber risk is much lower The Dumarey Group was formed, under this name, about a year ago but its history is much older. It was born behind the drive of Guido Dumarey, founder and current...


Dumarey, the automotive excellence group After just one year with Cyber Guru, cyber risk is much lower The Dumarey Group was formed, under this name, about a year ago but its history is much older. It was born behind the drive of Guido Dumarey, founder and current...


Prada Group strengthens cybersecurity The luxury giant has chosen Cyber Guru solutions to make cyber security a strategic pillar, capable of supporting the business and protecting the value of its brands globally By Stefania Chines The Prada Group embodies global...


Cybersecurity and digital culture: Salov’s winning strategy Extra virgin olive oil giant chose Cyber Guru’s e-learning program to defend against threats and attacks By Stefania Chines Salov is a leading international company in the production and marketing...
Cyber Card #30 – Vishing: if you recognize it, you avoid it

Cyber Card #30 – Vishing: if you recognize it, you avoid it

Knowing the methods of cyber criminals to steal sensitive information is the first step in preventing an attack! Vishing is a type of social engineering attack similar to smishing. The difference with other types of phishing is that instead of e-mail or text messages,...