So let’s get ready to set off, but remember to pack some useful tips: because cyber criminals never go on holiday!
This infographic will provide you with some useful tips to avoid falling victim to the most well-known scams!

So let’s get ready to set off, but remember to pack some useful tips: because cyber criminals never go on holiday!
This infographic will provide you with some useful tips to avoid falling victim to the most well-known scams!
Knowing the methods of cyber criminals to steal sensitive information is the first step in preventing an attack! Vishing is a type of social engineering attack similar to smishing. The difference with other types of phishing is that instead of e-mail or text messages,...
From messages about "an urgent family emergency," to those reporting a "delayed delivery of a package," smishing-based cyber scams (phishing through messaging systems) are growing in number. They all have one goal in common, that of convincing the unfortunate to click...
Until a few years ago we would have classified them as pure science fiction; today they are so real they seem real. Let's talk about deepfakes, one of the main tools for manipulating and falsifying reality, much loved by hackers for their scams. It is a technique,...